, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Zack Sabre Jr. ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Zack Sabre Jr.

Backstage Talk


Already in the Ring

Face to Face



Amateur Wrestling Takedown


Headlock Takedown

Modified Headlock

Hammer Lock

Wrist Lock

Pelé Kick to the Arm

Straight Jacket

Octopus Hold

Octopus Hold with Wrist Lock

Kick into the Leg

Baseball Slide

Suicide Dive in the Referee

Apron Flying Uppercut to Outside

Reverses a Sunset Flip into a Pinfall

Bridge Roll-Up Pinfall

Roll-Up Pinfall

Takedown by the Legs + Bridge Roll-Up Pinfall

Reverse a German Suplex into a Wheelbarrow + Bridge Pinfall

Snapmare + Low Dropkick to the Back of the Head

Corner Back Elbow

Corner Counter Uppercut

Push into the Ropes + Headbutt into the Gut


Ropes Uppercut

Corner Uppercut

Running Corner Uppercut

Flying Uppercut

Kick into the Leg of the Opponent on the Top Corner

Big Boot

Springboard into a Guillotine Choke

Guillotine Choke

Chicken Wing Seated on the Opponents Neck

Boston Crab

Northern Lights Suplex

Half Nelson Suplex

Reverses a Clothesline into a Half Nelson Suplex

Dragon Suplex

Reverses a Wheelbarrow into a Tiger Suplex

Penalty Kick to the Back

Penalty Kick

Stomp to the Arm

Triangle Choke

Reverse a Suplex into a Small Package + Cross Armbreaker

Reverse a Leg Hook into a Cross Armbreaker

Reverse a Clothesline into a Cross Armbreaker

Reverse a Wheelbarrow into a Cross Armbreaker

Avalanche Cross Armbreaker


Omoplata with Headbutts into the Deltoid


Leaves the Ring

Leaves the Arena

Down on the Outside

1 comentários:

Juanpersona. disse...

Gashas :3, eso si me sirve en los sucesos :3