, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Rey Mysterio ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Rey Mysterio

Backstage Talk



Baseball Slide under the Opponent


Drop Toe Hold to the Corner Turnbuckle

Hurricanrana to the Corner Turnbuckle

Inverted Tornado DDT

Low Dropkick to the Apron

Apron Senton to Outside

Outside Hurricanrana to the Barricade

Apron Headbutt to the Gut

Apron Punch to Inside

Diving Headbutt

Corner Big Foot

Diving Senton

Springboard Leg Bulldog

Springboard Leg Drop

Springboard Headbutt

Springboard Senton

Low Kick to the Face

Reverse a Sunset Flip into a Low Front Dropkick to the Face

Reverse a Sunset Flip into a Low Kick to the Face

Wheelbarrow Bulldog

Tilt a Whirl Headscissors

Tilt a Whirl DDT

Double Tilt a Whirl DDT

Roll-Up Pinfall

Wheelbarrow Roll-Up Pinfall

Drop Toe Hold to the Ropes

Headscissors to the Ropes

Low Dropkick to the Leg into the Ropes

Springboard Front Dropkick to the Back into the Ropes

Wheelbarrow Arm Drag to the Ropes


Diving Slash


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