, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Joey Mercury (S.E.S. Gimmick) ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Joey Mercury (S.E.S. Gimmick)

Backstage Talk


(Se quiserem uma que só tem ele, tem essa em péssima qualidade, mas é algo pelo menos...)

Already in the Ring



Forearm Smash to the Back of the Head from Behind

Forearm Smashes

Corner Punch

Corner Elbow Strikes

Corner Running Forearm Smash

Diving Bulldog

Apron Jumping Forearm Smash to Outside

Outside Kick + Punchs

Outside Elbow Strikes

Outside Stomps

Outside Alley Oop

 Low Dropkick to the Knee

Stomp to the Gut

 Stomp to the Hand

Standing Elbow Strike Drop

Jumping Knee Drop

Swinging Neckbreaker

Virginia Neck Tie
(Hangman's Neckbreaker)


Escape through the Barricade

[Umas Gifs ficaram bem bosta mesmo, mas foi o melhor que deu pra conseguir dele :/]

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