, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Metro Brothers ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Metro Brothers


Already in the Ring

Double Shoulder Block

Double Flapjack

Sunset Flip Clothesline

Inverted Atomic Drop + Clothesline

Leapfrogs into Inverted Atomic Drop + Clothesline

Corner Punches

Corner Forearm Smash and Corner Clothesline

Backbreaker + Diving Elbow Drop

Superplex + Diving Headbutt

Suplex into Powerbomb

Boston Crab Stomps

Boston Crab Punt Kick


Outside Celebration

Leaves the Arena

1 comentários:

CellarooD disse...

¿Es posible realizar solicitudes? ¿Me gustaría ver a Cody Hall, Dragon Bane y Mark Wheleer?