, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 International Airstrike ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

International Airstrike



Already in the Ring


Outside Hug

Leapfrogs into Back Kick

Hip Toss Hurricanrana

Throw into a Apron Headbutt to the Gut Inside by Kidd

Catapult into a Apron Headbutt to the Gut Inside by Kidd

Open the Ropes to a Suicide Dive by Gabriel

Lower the Ropes to a Somersault Senton by Gabriel

Double Springboard Front Dropkick

Aided Slingshot Sunset Flip

Throw into a Corner Handstanding Kick by Kidd + Spinning Kick by Gabriel

Drop Toe Hold + Basement Dropkick

Inverted STF into Basement Dropkick to the Face

Inverted STF into Soccer Kick to the Face

Leapfrogs into Double Hip Toss

Leapfrogs into Double Hip Toss + Soccer Kicks

Double Back Elbow to the Gut + Snapmare + Soccer Kicks

Springboard Elbow Drop to the Knees

Springboard Moonsault + Springboard Elbow Drop

Blockbuster by Gabriel and Spinebuster by Kidd

Blockbuster by Kidd and Spinebuster by Gabriel


Outside Celebration

3 comentários:

FrancoD disse...

Hello, I would like to speak with an administrator, any contact?

Translated in Portuguese

Olá, gostaria de falar com um administrador, algum contato?

FrancoD disse...

Meu contato é o seguinte:

Melchard Caranto disse...

Have you done Blake Christian?