, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 European Union ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

European Union

Backstage Talk




Corner Stomps

Double Basement Front Dropkick into the Ropes

Aichner Throw into a Side Suplex by Aichner

Barthel Throw into a Titl-a-Whirl Backbreaker by Aichner

Barthel Throw into a Pop-Up Titl-a-Whirl Backbreaker by Aichner

Barthel Throw into a Spinebuster by Aichner + Soccer Kick by Barthel

Spinebuster by Aichner + Soccer Kick by Barthel

Barthel Toss into a Brainbuster by Aichner

Powerbomb Toss by Aichner into a German Suplex in Mid-Air by Barthel

Powerbomb Toss by Aichner into a Bridge German Suplex in Mid-Air by Barthel

Powerbomb by Aichner and Diving European Uppercut by Barthel

Spinning Powerbomb by Aichner and Diving European Uppercut by Barthel


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