, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Corey Storm ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Corey Storm


Already in the Ring

Roll-Up Pinfall

O'Connor Roll-Up Pinfall

Slingshot Sunset Flip Roll-Up Pinfall

Shoulder Block

Inverted Atomic Drop

Calf Kick

Inverted Enzuigiri Kick

Forearm Smash

Discus Forearm Smash

Back Elbow

Stomp to the Arm


Tiger Feint Kick

Somersault Senton

Outside Throw to Inside

Apron Headbutt to the Gut Inside

Slingshot Crossbody coming through the Ropes

Slingshot coming trought the ropes into Springboard Leg Drop

Escape from the Corner

Corner Running Back Elbow

Corner Back Elbow + Clothesline

German Suplex


Arm-Trap Swinging Neckbreaker

Running Corkscrew Neckbreaker

Inverted Roundhouse Kick

Grounded Kick to the Side of the Head

Grounded Roundhouse Kicks to the Chest

Grounded Superkick

Reverses a Fireman's Carry into Stunner


Handspring Cutter

Takedown by the Leg + Double Foot Stomp

Category 5


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