, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 "Switchblade" Jay White ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

"Switchblade" Jay White

Backstage Talk

Backstage Talk with Title


Entrance with Title

Already in the Ring

Escape from a Hammer Lock with a Drop Toe Hold

Arm-Bar Wrist Lock

Back Elbow

Knee to the Gut

Kick to the Gut



Forearm Smash

Strikes Combo

Takedown by the Legs

Dragon Screw

Stomps to the Leg

Escape from a Pescado

Outside Stomps to the Leg

Outside Uppercut

Outside Kick to the Leg against the Barricade

Outside Brainbuster into the Apron

Outside Throw to Inside

Outside Elbows to the Knee in the Apron

Outside Leg Mat Slam in the Apron

Chop to the Top Corner

Punch to the Top Corner

Corner Grounded Chop

Corner Grounded Stomp

Corner Grounded Knees

Corner Stand into the Leg

Corner Uppercut

Saito Suplex

Butterfly Suplex into the Corner

Arm-Trap Takedown + Deadlift German Suplex

Dragon Suplex

Death Valley Driver

Oklahoma Roll into Crucifix and Elbows to the Face

Kiwi Krusher


Blade Runner

Taunt + Blade Runner


Celebration with Title

Down in the Ring

Leaves the Arena

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Will they add more moves and the new entry with championship?

ExplosiveGifs disse...

Not for now. But later, for sure.