, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Charlie Haas & Rico ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Charlie Haas & Rico

Backstage Talk with Titles

Charlie Haas Refuses to Walk on the Ramp


Entrance with Titles


Hug with Titles

Already in the Ring with Titles

Rico Grabs Charlie Haas' Butt and Kisses

Slide Under the Opponent by Haas + Diving Crossbody by Rico

Springboard Forearm Smash by Haas + Diving Moonsault by Rico

Kiss by Rico + Japanese Roll-Up Pinfall by Haas

Grab the Butt and Kiss by Rico + Bridge German Suplex by Haas


Celebration with Titles

Outside Celebration with Titles

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