, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ultimate X Match ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Ultimate X Match

[Essas Gifs em fiz muito tempo atrás para usar em um show da EWF. Pode ser então que vocês já a tenham as visto, mas de qualquer jeito, são de minha autoria, então estou as colocando aqui]

[pretendo mais pra frente fazer Gifs melhores, pois na época que eu fiz essas, ainda não sabia fazer muito bem]

3 dropkicks

Avalanche Back Hurrincanrana

Push from Top Corner

Alley Oop to Corner

Arm-Attack on the structure

Springboard jump to the cable

Monkey Walk in the cables to the Title

takes down from the cable

 2 takes down 1 in the cable

Fall from the cable

2 Fall from the cable

powerbomb caught from the cables

Diving STO to the cable

Takes down from the cable with a kick

Takes down from the cable with a Springboard Dropkick

Takes down from the cable with a Diving Spear

Diving Moonsault from the cables

Modified Hurrincanrana from the cables

Modified Leg Drop from the cables

climbs to the top of the structure

Brawl and Takes Down from the Structure

Punchs + Kick in the top of the structure

Diving Leg Drop from the Structure to the cable

Hangs himself

Pressing Stomp to the Hand in the cable

Takes down from the cable

Takes the title from the hands of 2 opponents in the cables

Takes the Title,with another wrestler in the cable

Takes the Title,alone in the cable

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