, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Barbed Wire ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Barbed Wire

Tries to throw on the Ropes Barbed Wire

Drop Toe Hold to the Ropes Barbed Wire

Dropkick to the Ropes Barbed Wire

Puts the Barbed Wire on the Face of the Opponent

Puts the Barbed Wire on the Knees

Powerbomb to the Knees with Barbed Wire

Throw to a Table on the Corner with Barbed Wire

Spear throught a Table on the Corner with Barbed Wire

Avalanche Butterfly Suplex to a Table with Barbed Wire

Puts the Barbed Wire on the Arm

Climbs the Ladder with the Barbed Wire on the Arm

Diving Elbow Drop with a Barbed Wire from the Top of a Ladder

Puts the Barbed Wire on a Chair

Piledriver to a Chair with Barbed Wire

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