, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Takeshi Morishima (WWE) ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Takeshi Morishima (WWE)


Already in the Ring

Collar-and-Elbow Tie-Up

Shoulder Tackle

Back Elbow

Clubbing Blow to the Back

Kick to the Gut

No Sells a Forearm Smash

No Sells Forearm Smashes

No Sells a Clothesline

Throw to the Corner

Throw Headfirst into the Corner Turnbuckle

Put on the Corner

Corner Kick to the Gut

Corner Punches

Corner Stomp

Corner Pressing Stomp

Corner Clothesline

Throw to the Corner + Corner Clothesline

Climbs to the Top Corner

Missile Front Dropkick

Big Boot

Short-Leg Lariat


Elbow Drop

Leg Drop

Side Slam

Backdrop Driver


Releases a Pinfall


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