, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Matt Cardona ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Matt Cardona

190+ Gifs

Backstage Interview

Backstage Talk

"If Cardona Wins We Riot" Sign


Entrance with Chelsea Green

Entrance with Title

Entrance with Title and Chelsea Green

Entrance with 2 Titles and Chelsea Green

Already in the Ring


Promo with Title

Outside Promo

Chelsea Green Promo

Announcers Table

Outside Kiss




Middle Finger

Middle Finger with Title

Outside Middle Finger

Middle Finger to the Crowd

Tear Sign

Rips Shirt

Choke the Opponent with Shirt

Low Blow

Low Blow from Behind

Low Blow from Behind into School Boy Roll-Up Pinfall

School Boy Roll-Up Pinfall

Attack from Behind


Eye Poke

Double Leg Takedown

Double Leg Takedown + Grounded Punches

Back Elbows to Behind

Collar-and-Elbow Tie-Up


Grounded Headlock


Shoulder Block

Knee to the Gut

Kick to the Gut

Rebound Kick to the Face

Big Boot

Back Elbow

Running Back Elbow

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes


Chop Block

Seated Senton to the Back

Soccer Kick to the Back

Running Knee Strike to the Side of the Head

Running Stomp to the Side of the Head

Stomp to the Side of the Head

Basement Boot to the Side of the Head

Basement Boot to the Face

Body Slam

Elbow Drop

Leg Drop

Clubbing Blow

Grounded Elbow to the Face

Grounded Punches

Short-Arm Clothesline


Falling Clothesline

Flying Forearm Smash


Grounded Guillotine

Back Suplex

Back Body Drop

Double Knee Facebreaker

Double Knee Facebreaker (Opponent Falls)


Kick to the Gut + DDT


Grounded Snap DDT


Reverses a Suplex into Neckbreaker

Swinging Neckbreaker

Swinging Seated Neckbreaker

Tiger Driver (Kneeling)

Tiger Driver (Sitout)

Back Body Drop to the Apron

Front Dropkick through the Ropes to Outside

Double Front Dropkick through the Ropes to Outside

Outside Takedown from the Apron

Outside Kick to the Gut

Outside Forearm Smash

Outside Forearm Smashes

Outside Clothesline

Outside Pull into the Apron

Outside Swinging Neckbreaker

Outside DDT

Outside Kick to the Gut + DDT

Outside Double Underhook DDT

Outside Throw Headfirst into the Steel Steps

Outside Throw Headfirst into the Apron

Outside Throw to Inside

Middle Ropes Hot Shot

Pull into the Corner Turnbuckle

Press Against the Ropes

Press with the Knee against the Ropes

Low Blow Kick to the Ropes

Takedown from the Top Corner

Throw Headfirst into the Corner Turnbuckle

Hammer Throw to the Corner

Corner Back Elbow to Inside

Corner Big Boot to Inside

Corner Knee to Inside

Corner Running Forearm Smash

Corner Forearm Smash

Corner Forearm Smashes

Corner Shoulder Thrust

Corner Punches Over the Opponent

Corner Stomp

Corner Stomps

Corner Pressing Knee

Suplex to the Corner Turnbuckle

Missile Dropkick

Missile Dropkick into a Steel Chair

Superplex into Glass


Reboot to the Middle Ropes into Outside

Reboot to the Middle Ropes


Multiple Reboots

Diving Radio Silence

Radio Silence



Celebration with Title

Celebration with 2 Titles

Outside Celebration

Outside Celebration with 2 Titles

Celebration with Title and Chelsea Green

Celebration with 2 Titles and Chelsea Green

Crowd Riot

Crowd Riot with Title

Leaves the Arena with Title and Chelsea Green

Outside Celebration with Steph Delander

Down in the Ring

Down on the Outside

Title Shot to the Referee

Title Shot

Outside Steel Chair Shot to Inside

Pressing Steel Chair against the Opponent

Thrown Steel Chair Shot to the Corner

Steel Chair Shot to the Back

Steel Chair Shot to the Head

Steel Chair Shot through the Opponent's Head

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