, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Wingmen ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

The Wingmen


Outside Distraction

Double Back Elbow by Nemeth and Avalon

Throw by Nemeth into a Body Slam by Avalon + Double Elbow and Fist Drop

Pumphandle Throw by Bononi + Corner Cannonball Senton by Drake

Corner Clothesline by Bononi + Throws into a Harlem Kick by Avalon

Corner Back Thump by Bononi + Corner Aided Back Thump by Avalon + Double Throw into a Dropkick by Nemeth

Backbreaker by Bononi + Hunk of Love by Nemeth

Superkick by Avalon + Hunk of Love by Nemeth

Hunk of Love by Nemeth + Frog Splash by Avalon


1 comentários:

Melchard Caranto disse...

Think you can do Anthony Henry?