, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Kings of Wrestling ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Kings of Wrestling


Entrance with Titles

Already in the Ring


Pose with Titles

Double Leg Snap

Double Kick to the Gut

Double Throw to the Corner

Double Hip Toss into Slam

Apron Big Boot to Inside + Big Boot

Aided Elbow

Elbow to the Back of the Head + European Uppercut

Pop-Up into Backbreaker

Elbow Hart Attack

Elbow Hart Attack + Jackknife Roll-Up Pinfall

Elbow Hart Attack + Swing into Basement Dropkick

Swing into Basement Dropkick

K.R.S. O.N.E.
(Kings Reign Supreme Over Nearly Everyone)


Celebration with Titles

1 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

eh hello, they could play d-von with reverend's gimmick. Here I leave you a video where you could get gif