, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Boa (Dark) ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Boa (Dark)



Open Handed Chop

Grounded Elbow to the Back

Elbow to the Back

Stomp to the Hand

Arm-Bar Wrist Lock

Wrist Lock Shoot Kick

Wrist Lock Lift and Takedown

Throw to the Ropes into Ropes Knee to the Gut

Throw to the Ropes into Ropes Knees to the Gut

Ropes Knees to the Gut

Knee to the Gut

Knees to the Gut

Kick to the Leg

Kicks to the Leg

Front Kick to the Chest

Shoot Kick to the Back

Axe Kick

Apron Rope Hung Roundhouse Kick to the Chest

Apron Rope Hung Axe Kick

Put on the Corner

Throw Headfirst into the Corner Turnbuckle

Corner Kicks

Corner Grounded Kicks

Gourdbuster into the Ropes

Rope Hung Knee Strike

Rope Hung Roundhouse Kick to the Back of the Head

Roundhouse Kick to the Back of the Head

Inverted DDT



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