, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Fuego del Sol ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Fuego del Sol

Backstage Talk



Already in the Ring




Roll-Up Pinfall

Tilt-a-Whirl Roll-Up Pinfall

Wheelbarrow Roll-Up Pinfall

Rolling Jackknife Roll-Up Pinfall

Corner Sunset Flip Roll-Up Pinfall

Backflip to Escape the Leg

Sweep the Leg

Arm-Bar Springboard Arm-Drag

Tilt-a-Whirl Arm-Drag

Over the Back Arm-Drag

Springboard Backflip Arm-Drag

Arm Takedown

Arm-Bar Wrist Lock

Headlock Takedown

Step-Up Snapmare Takedown

Back Elbow to Behind

Headbutt to the Gut

Punch to the Gut

Punches to the Gut

Chops and Forearm Smashes

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Flying Forearm Smash

Flying Forearm Smashes

Kick to the Gut

Kick to the Chest

Jumping Knee Strike

Multiple Kicks

Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Missed Kick into Enzuigiri Kick


Pop-Up Dropkick

Calf Kick

Wheelbarrow Knee Strike

Rolling Wheelbarrow Knee Strike

Reverses a Suplex into Hurricanrana

Reverses a Hip Toss into Hurricanrana


Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors

Single Leg Boston Crab

Body Slam

Jumping Neckbreaker

Modified Neckbreaker


Grounded Superkick


Suicide Dive

Corkscrew Pescado

Springboard Corkscrew to Outside

Over the Top Rope Side Moonsault to Outside

Outside Throw to Inside

Apron Enzuigiri Kick to Inside

Slingshot Monkey Flip

Springboard Missile Dropkick

Ropes Big Boot to Inside

Ropes Knee Strike to Inside

Escape from the Corner

Corner Forearm Smash

Top Corner Headbutt

Diving Crossbody

Spanish Fly

Modified Tiger Feint Kick

Swinging Reverse STO

Bridge Northern Lights Suplex

Catwheel Butterfly Suplex

Catwheel Butterfly Suplex + Standing Shooting Star Press

Standing Shooting Star Press

Standing Moonsault

Springboard Moonsault

Springboard Moonsault + Kip-Up

Springboard Corkscrew Senton

Misses the 450° Splash, but Lands on his Feets

450° Splash


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