, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Rosey & The Hurricane ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Rosey & The Hurricane


Entrance with Titles

Entrance with Titles and Stacy Keibler

 Already in the Ring

Aided Calf Kick

Drop Toe Hold into Headbutt Drop

 Hip Toss Senton

 Double Leg Takedown into Diving Leg Drop

Pop-Up Splash

Step-Up from a Pinfall

Side Slam Eye of the Hurricane

Aided Frog Splash



Celebration with Titles

Celebration with Titles and Stacy Keibler

2 comentários:

Melchard Caranto disse...

Can you do the Metro Brothers next?

Explosive Gifs disse...

Yes. Beginning of september, probably