, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Kingdom (1st Formation) (Tag-Team) ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

The Kingdom (1st Formation) (Tag-Team)


Entrance with Titles


Maria Distracts the Referee

Attack from Behind

Double Kick to the Gut + Double Kick to the Chest + Enzuigiri Kick by Taven

Catapult by Bennett into an Apron Enzuigiri Kick to Inside by Taven

Springboard Elbow Drop by Taven into Bennett's Knees

Triangle Enzuigiri Kick by Taven + Apron Spear by Bennett

Double Superkick to the Apron

Double Superkick

Corner Big Boot to Inside by Taven + Discus Forearm Smash by Bennett + Missile Dropkick by Taven

Corner Big Boot to Inside by Taven + Forearm Smash by Bennett + Springboard Moonsault by Taven

Corner Clothesline by Bennett + Corner Forearm Smash by Taven

Taven Throws into a Spinebuster by Bennett

Leapfrog by Bennett into a Superkick by Taven + Spear by Bennett

Backpack Sick Kick

Extreme Combination

Hail Mary

Apron Hail Mary into a Table


Outside Celebration

Outside Celebration with Titles

Leaves the Arena

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