, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Clothesline / Lariat ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Clothesline / Lariat

OBS: Eu sei que na TEORIA, Clothesline e Lariat são diferentes, MAS na PRÁTICA o que acontece é que quando o Move é executado no USA é chamado de Clothesline, enquanto quando é executado no Japão é chamado de "Lariatoooo". Como na prática então as vezes Clothesline é chamado de Lariat, e as vezes Lariat é chamado de Clothesline, vou padronizar e chamar todos os moves dessa postagem de Clothesline

90 Gifs


Backstage Clothesline

Tag Team:

Corner Clothesline + Clothesline

Leapfrog into Clothesline

Aided Clothesline

Aided Clothesline to the Back

Double Clothesline (Tag Team)

Double Clothesline to Outside (Tag Team)


3 Corner Clotheslines

Apron / Outside:

Clothesline to Outside

Clothesline to Outside (both out)

Clothesline to Outside into another Opponent

Clothesline to the Apron

Triangle Clothesline

Diving Clothesline to Outside

Apron Jumping Clothesline to Outside

Outside Short-Arm Clothesline

Outside Clothesline to the Back

Outside Clothesline

Outside Clothesline to Behind

Outside Clothesline against the Barricade

Outside Clothesline through the Barricade

Outside Flying Clothesline from the Steel Steps

Outside Frying Clothesline from the Barricade

Outside Slingshot Flip Clothesline from the Barricade

Outside Flying Clothesline from the Announcers Table

Outside Apron Pendulum Clothesline

Outside Apron Pendulum Double Clothesline

Apron Clothesline to Inside

Apron Clothesline to the Top Corner

Apron Clothesline to an Apponent Inside

Apron Clothesline into a Rope Hung Opponent

Clothesline into a Rope Hung Opponent

Diving Clothesline into a Rope Hung Opponent

Slingshot Flip Clothesline

Slingshot Flip Double Clothesline


Rebound Clothesline from the Corner

Rebound Double Clothesline from the Corner

Throw to the Corner + Corner Clothesline

Corner Clothesline

Cartwheel Corner Clothesline

Corner Clothesline going into the Apron (over the ropes)

Corner Clothesline going into the Apron (throught the ropes)

Corner Clotheslines

Corner Flying Clothesline

Multiple Corner Clotheslines into 2 Opponents


Diving Clothesline

Diving Double Arm Clothesline

Diving Double Clothesline


Escape from the Corner + Clothesline

Clothesline to Behind

Escape from a Clothesline + Clothesline to Behind

Escape from a Clothesline + Clothesline

Escape from a Clothesline + Rebound Clothesline

Reverses a Hip Toss into Clothesline

Clothesline into Clothesline to the Back

Clothesline to the Back into Clothesline

Feint Clothesline into Clothesline

Counter a Clothesline with a Clothesline

Modified Rebound Clothesline

Rebound Clothesline

Pendulum Clothesline

Catches the Leg + Clothesline

Short-Arm Clothesline caught by the Leg

Pop-Up Clothesline caught by the Leg

Drag by the Top Corner by the Leg into a Clothesline in Mid-Air

Clothesline in Mid-Air



2 Clotheslines

3 Clotheslines

Double-Arm Clothesline

2 Double Handed Clotheslines

3 Double Handed Clotheslines

Bait Clothesline

Ropes Clothesline

Cartwheel + Clothesline

Clothesline to the Back

Sit-Out Clothesline

Jumping Clothesline

Flying Clothesline

Double Flying Clothesline

Double Clothesline

Breaks a Double Clothesline + Double Clothesline

Grounded Clothesline

Grounded Running Clothesline

Hammerlock twisted into a Short-Arm Clothesline

Short-Arm Clothesline

Wrist-Lock Short-Arm Clothesline

Running Bulldog into Clothesline

Discus Clothesline

Clothesline from Hell

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