, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Roppongi 3K ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Roppongi 3K


Entrance with Titles

Double Atomic Drop + Double Dropkick

Drop Toe Hold by Yoh + Basement Dropkick by Sho

Double Throw to the Corner

Corner Forearm Smash by Sho + Corner Back Splash by Yoh

Wheelbarrow aided Double Knee to the Corner

Double Somersault Senton

Double Boston Crab

Superkick by Yoh + Backstabber by Sho + Busaiku Knee Kick by Yoh

Inverted Powerslam by Sho into a Cutter by Yoh

Double High Knee



Celebration with Titles

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