, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Chris Ridgeway ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Chris Ridgeway

Backstage Talk




Forearm Smash


Kick to the Leg

Grounded Forearm Smash to the Back

Axe Kick

Soccer Kick

Grounded Punches

Stomp to the Head

Grounded Push to the Face

Corner Big Boot to Inside

Corner Chop

Outside Throw into the Barricade

Outside Stomp

Outside Pressing Stomp

Outside Roundhouse Kick to the Chest against the Barricade

Outside Big Boot

Outside Throw to Inside

Triangle Choke

Elbows to the Head in a Triangle Choke

Big Boot to the Chest

Big Boot

Jumping High Knee

Grounded Knee Strike

Grounded Roundhouse Kick to the Chest

Grounded Roundhouse Kick

Grounded Spinning Inverted Roundhouse Kick

Cobra Clutch into Spinning Inverted Roundhouse Kick

German Suplex

German Suplex caught from a Handspring

German Suplex caught from the Springboards

Bridge German Suplex

Lifting Inverted DDT


Down in the Ring

Down on the Outside