, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Colons (Primo and Epico) ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

The Colons (Primo and Epico)


Entrance with Titles

Entrance with Promo


Double Throw to Outside

Double Outside Throw into the Corner Post

Distract in the Apron + Leg Sweep to the Apron

Corner Stomps

Suplex + Slingshot Senton

Throw into a Dropkick

Double Soccer Kick to the Chest and Back

2 on 1 Attack

Double Gutbuster + Double Suplex

Apron Enzuigiri Kick to Inside + Sunset Flip Roll-Up Pinfall

The Shining Star

Double Knee Facebreaker + Backstabber

Double Backstabber

Powerbomb and Backstabber combination


Celebration with Rosa Mendes

Celebration with Titles

Outside Celebration

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