, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Jack Gallagher ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Jack Gallagher

Backstage Talk

Backstage Slap with Glove


Entrance with Umbrella

Entrance with Promo

Already in the Ring



Escape from a Arm-Lock using the Referee

Escape from a Headlock with a Handstand

Headlock Takedown


Takedown by the Arm



Hammerlock without the Hands

Hammerlock without the Hands into a Pinfall

Double Stomp to the Knees

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes




Running Crossbody

Running Crossbody + Punches

Handstand in the Corner

Handstand in the Corner Taunt

Handstanding on the Corner Pushes the Opponent with the Leg

Handstand escape from the Corner

Leg Scissors Takedown

Running Apron Dropkick

Fake Suicide Dive into a Apron Double Axe to Outside

Outside Headbutt to the Gut

Outside Takedown

Outside Catapullt to the Minitron

Outside Back Body Drop

Tells the Announcer to Move

Throw to the Announcers Table

Outside Running Barricade Dropkick

Outside Throw to Inside

Full Windsor Knot

Kick to the Butt

Crucifix Pinfall

Small Package

Guillotine Choke

Single Leg Boston Crab

Double Leg Boston Crab

Bridge Modified Figure Four Leg Lock

Inverted Ankle Lock

Ankle Lock

Achilles Lock


Running Corner Dropkick


Leaves the Arena

Grabs an Umbrella

Outside Umbrella Shot to the Gut

Outside Umbrella Shot to the Back

Umbrella Low Blow

Umbrella Shot to the Face

Umbrella Shot to the Gut

Takesdown with the Umbrella

Escape from a Submission with an Umbrella Shot

Umbrella Shot to the Arm

Hammerlock Crossface Chickenwing with an Umbrella

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