, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Cesaro & Tyson Kidd ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Cesaro & Tyson Kidd

Backstage Talk

Natalya Backstage Talk with Cesaro and Kidd

Backstage Talk with Titles

Entrance with Natalya


Delayed Assisted Vertical Suplex

Slingshot Leg Drop Guillotine to the Back in the Apron by Kidd + Diving Double Foot Stomp by Cesaro

Apron Pelé Kick to Inside by Kidd + Bridge German Suplex by Cesaro

Uppercut by Cesaro and German Suplex by Kidd

Pop-Up by Kidd into a Very European Uppercut by Cesaro

Sharpshooter by Kidd and Crossface by Cesaro

Superplex by Cesaro + Springboard Elbow Drop by Kidd

Straightjacket Powerbomb by Cesaro and Blockbuster by Kidd

Catapult by Kidd into a Spinebuster by Cesaro

Cesaro Swing by Cesaro into Low Dropkick by Kidd


Outside Celebration with Titles

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