, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Paydirt (Shelton Benjamin) ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Paydirt (Shelton Benjamin)

Partner Push into a Paydirt

Push the Opponent + Paydirt

Stands the Opponent + Paydirt

Promo + Paydirt


Modified Paydirt

Catapult into the Corner Turnbuckle + Modified Paydirt

Misses a Dragon Whip + Escape from a Kick + Modified Paydirt

Escape from a Kick + Modified Paydirt

Misses a Dragon Whip + Escape from a Kick + Paydirt

Escape from a Kick + Paydirt

Escape from a Clothesline + Paydirt

Escape from a Diving Moonsault + Paydirt

Paydirt to a Running Opponent

Paydirt from Outta Nowhere

Short-Arm Paydirt

Short-Arm Paydirt from the Top Corner

Paydirt caught from a Slingshot

Paydirt in Mid-Air

Avalanche Paydirt (Standing)

Avalanche Paydirt (Running)

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