, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Kyle Fletcher ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Kyle Fletcher


Entrance with Title

Takes the Mask Off




Forearm Smash

Forearm Smash Sequence


Bicycle Kick

Roundhouse Kick

Low Dropkick

Grounded Kick to the Face

Grounded Shoot Kick

Corner Back Body Drop to the Apron

Forearm Smash to Outside

Clothesline to Outside

Dropkick to Outside

Sick Kick to Outside

Suicide Dive

Triangle Somersault Senton

Asai Arm-Drag

Asai Moonsault

Outside Chop

Outside Forearm Smash

Outside Leaping Senton of a Chair

Outside Lawn Dart into the Ring Post

Outside Throw to Inside

Apron Big Boot

Apron Superkick

Corner Running Forearm Smash

Corner Flying Clothesline going into the Apron

Corner Flying Clothesline going into the Apron + Springboard Crossbody

Corner Sick Kick

Corner Assisted Satellite Arm-Drag

Enzuigiri Kick to the Top Corner

Avalanche Michinoku Driver

Middle Rope Diving Corkscrew Arm-Drag

Middle Rope Diving Cutter

Diving Crossbody

Diving Double Crossbody

Frog Splash


Springboard Moonsault

Double Springboard Facebuster

Double Springboard Flip Piledriver

Rope Assisted Reverse Headscissors

Catch in Mid Air

Free Fall Drop

Michinoku Driver

Wheelbarrow Arm-Drag

Lion's Clutch


Sick Kick


Liger Bomb

Lawn Dart

Fidget Spinner



Celebration with Title

Leaves the Arena

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Faz do Isaiah Swerve Scott pls!! Ele já tem mt conteúdo no NXT

Anônimo disse...

Hi! Can you update Kyle Fletcher anytime soon? Thank you! :)