, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Calamari Thatch Kings ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Calamari Thatch Kings


Assisted Punch to the Gut

Assisted Kick to the Knee

Double Throw to the Ropes

Back Elbow to the Gut by Brookes + European Uppercut by Thatcher + Low Dropkick by Brookes + Elbow Drop to the Back by Thatcher 

Fujiwara Armbar by Thatcher + Modified Wheelbarrow Leg Lock by Brookes

Jumping Enzuigiri Kick by Thatcher + Slingshot Cutter by Brookes

Apron Sleeper Hold to Inside by Thatcher + Slingshot Cutter by Brookes

Sleeper Hold by Thatcher + Slingshot Cutter by Brookes + Buttefly Suplex Powerslam by Thatcher

Eletric Chair into Slap by Thatcher


Leaves the Arena

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