, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Arturo Ruas ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Arturo Ruas

Backstage Talk


Already in the Ring


 Capoeira Dance

Double Leg Takedown

Body Scissors Takedown

Punch to the Gut

Kick to the Arm

Kick to the Leg

Knee to the Chest

Soccer Kick to the Back

Grounded Punch

Grounded Punches

Cartwheel Basement Single-Leg Kick

Escape from the Corner

Throw to the Corner

Corner Grounded Kick

Corner Grounded Punches

Punch to the Top Corner

Corkscrew Enzuigiri Kick

Jumping Knee Strike

Capoeira Kick

Bridge German Suplex

One-Arm Lift Powerbomb

Rear Naked Choke


Cross Leged Kneebar

Spinning Heel Kick


Down in the Ring

Leaves the Ring

Leaves the Arena

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