, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Rob Van Dam ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Rob Van Dam

Backstage Talk



Back Elbow

Throw Headfirst to the Corner Turnbuckle

Corner Shoulder Thrusts + Corner Spin Kick

Corner Shoulder Thrusts

Corner Spinning Wheel Kick

Corner Monkey Flip

Enzuigiri Kick to the Top Corner

Side Walk Slam

Rolls Over the Opponent

Kicks to the Legs


Rebound Kick to the Face

Spin Kick


 Clothesline to Outside

Superkick to the Apron

Spinning Wheel Kick to the Apron

Baseball Slide

Slingshot Crossbody to Outside

Throw trough the Barricade

Outside Gourdbuster to the Barricade

Apron Spinning Wheel Kick to the Barricade

Outside Throw to Inside

Apron Headbutt to the Gut Inside

Apron Spin Kick to Inside

Diving Crossbody

Diving Side Kick

Step-Over Spinning Wheel Kick

Rolling Body Scissors Pinfall

Avoids the Turnbuckle + Roundhouse Kick

Roundhouse Kick


Springboard Crossbody

Springboard Side Kick

Spinning Wheel Kick

Standing Moonsault

Rolling Thunder

Split-Legged Diving Moonsault

Five Star Frog Splash


Celebration with Title