, pub-3083499984502117, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Lucha Dragons ♔ Explosive Wrestling Gifs

Lucha Dragons

Backstage Talk


Double Suicide Dive

Double Diving Moonsault to Outside

Takes Down by Kalisto + Slingshot Senton by Sin Cara

Gory Special by Sin Cara + Springboard Dropkick by Kalisto

Snapmare by Kalisto + Double Low Kick to the Chest

Wheelbarrow Assisted Senton by Kalisto

Rolling Fireman's Carry Slam by Sin Cara + Monkey Flip by Sin Cara in Kalisto into a Assisted 450° Splash

Salida Del Sol by Kalisto + Senton Bomb by Sin Cara

Senton Bomb by Sin Cara + 450° Splash by Kalisto


Celebration with Titles

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